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Challenging Injustice25th Annual Meeting
Campbell Center - Mesa State College Jim Hightower - keynote speaker at our 25th Annual Meeting at 3:30 pm - has spent three decades battling the Powers That Be on behalf of the Powers That Ought To Be (consumers, working families, environmentalists and just-plain-folks). Twice-elected Texas Agriculture Commissioner, National Public Radio commentator and author of Thieves in High Places: They've Stolen Our Country and It's Time to Take It Back, Hightower has become a leading voice for the 80% of the public who no longer find themselves within shouting distance of Washington and Wall Street powers. Lois Gibbs - our other featured speaker at 1:30 pm - was a housewife with two small children in 1978 when whe became concerned about reports of chemical waste in her neighborhood in Niagara Falls, New York. Gibbs discovered that her neighborhood sat on top of 21,000 tons of buried chemical waste, the now infamous Love Canal, and organized her neighbors in a battle against local, state and federal governments. Gibbs went on to found the Center for Health, Envrionment and Justice and has been at the forefront of the environmental movement for over two decades. Other highlights of the day will include our annual Business Meeting starting at 10:00 am, a buffet luncheon, a reception and book signing with Gibbs and Hightower at 5:30 pm and our all-day Silent Auction featuring over 100 unique and sought-after items. Pre-registrations will be taken starting September 1. Stay tuned to this site for more information or call Pam at (970) 249-1978.
Western Colorado Congress is an alliance for community action empowering people |
to protect and enhance their quality of life in western Colorado. |
PO Box 1931, Grand Junction, CO 81502; phone (970) 256-7650; fax (970) 245-0686 |